Snakes in the Lions Den — Infiltration of the misguided within the Panth.


Over a year ago, before releasing the Azadist Manifesto, I met Shamsher Singh and discussed the topic of capitalism vs socialism with him briefly. I told him that I was working on a manifesto that outlines my position on how I believe a Sikh State could function taking into account both economics and Sikhi. At the time he was intrigued, as he should be since this sort of thing was entirely in his and his organisation’s (NSYF) remit. After releasing the Manifesto and sending it to him, he was mostly dismissive after realising that it conflicted with his socialist stance heavily (that he denies he has, but more on this later).

I don't mind people being socialist and believing their interpretation of Sikhi is compatible with it. I've conversed and have had great discussions and respectful debates with many of these types. I even chose to account for this by splitting socialism into 2 types in order to respect this and offer socialists a compromise. Instead I have tried only to critique the “State Socialism” category specifically:

Battle of the Isms

Azadism’s navigation of the conflict between Capitalism and Socialism. (Read here 👇)
